Have you ever been curious about what it would be like to have a photographer capture your proposal? The answer is-it is AMAZING!! Once you see the look on Braxton's face in these photos you will see why it is so important to document this moment and have the memories forever!
When Jared asked me to photograph him proposing to Braxton I was beyond excited!!! I photographed his brother's wedding quite a few years ago so it is always exciting to see familiar faces AND in my 7 year career as a photographer I have never had the chance to capture a proposal until now and I have to say-I was extremely nervous! So I asked my lovely photographer friend Kerry to come along with me to assist so that we wouldn't miss any of the angles!
We met Jared downtown to go over the details before Braxton's arrival. We picked out a beautiful spot and a phrase that would be the signal for him to go for it ( Whisper in Braxton's ear all your favorite things about her). He ran to pick her up from the train saying that they were meeting his grandma for dinner. While they were walking up Stephen Ave we pretended to "bump" into them and said we were just finishing up a shoot and asked if they would like a few photos since they are such a cute couple and since I knew Jared from before and Kerry knew Braxton from before! Of course they said yes so we went to the special spot to begin the photoshoot and when I gave Jared the cue: "Whisper in Braxton's ear all of your favorite things about her," her response was the cutest!!! She said: "Oh that's a long list this might take a while!" And she was right! He whispered in her year and then got down on one knee to ask her to marry him. The look on her face was priceless.
We did a mini lil engagement shoot after with all beautiful lights of Stephen Avenue and some sparklers.
We could not be happier for you!